Museo del Vetro

Glass Museum

ERMANNO NASON. Guerriero del vetro.


VetroVetro is an association of eleven Muranese companies that firmly believe in quality, the primacy of techniques and the productive vocation of the island; they also share a sound family tradition that goes back generations.
The sole aim of the association and its president, Giampaolo Seguso, is to support and divulge the culture of glass and, in particular, the initiatives undertaken by the Glass Museum, the site-symbol of this very culture and preserver of the greatest works it has been able to express over the centuries.



Cenedese s.r.l.

Dino Rosin Arte Studio

Effe Vetreria di FurlanWalter & C.

Formia International

NasonMoretti s.r.l.

Nuova BMC

S.A.L.I.R. s.n.c.

Seguso Viro

Simone Cenedese Murano

Vetreria Galliano Ferro