The central display case in the first room contains works of various manufacture dating from 1806 to 1864.
1. Two samples of glass rods with spiral filigree. Samples of adventurine inlays and of beads in various colours, 1838
Domenico Bussolin (1805-1886)
Donated by the artist
2. Beads worked a lume [by naked flame], 1840-1860
Unidentified manufacture
Probably by Giovanni Giacomuzzi, Giovanni Battista Franchini (1804-1873)
and Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876)
3. Ship in a bottle closed with an ‘impossible’ stopper, 1806
Capitan Francesco Biondo
4. Two sample books of a lume beads, 1840-1860
Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876)
Donated by Alessandro Zecchin
5. Marble table top with polychrome enamel inlays; the central plaque with the gondola is by the Franchini and was probably added later, 1851.
Exhibited in New York in 1853 and donated to the Museum by the artists in 1863.
Angelo and Giovanni Giacomuzzi (1818-1872)
6. Original design of a table with polychrome enamel inlays. Presented to Napoleon in 1811.
Benedetto Barbaria (1784-1875)
7. Model of a fodder shop in a bottle with an ‘impossible’ stopper.
Unidentified artist. Probably the same date as n. 3.
8. Adventurine plaque with portrait of pope Pius IX, 1846 (?)
Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876).
9. Rosary with beads and cross in adventurine, c.1850.
Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876) (?)
10. Profile portrait of a man (Antonio Canova?) in miniature monochrome mosaic.
Unidentified manufacture, beginning of 19th cent.
11. Plaque with portrait of Napoleon in miniature monochrome mosaic.
Unidentified manufacture, first half of 19th cent.
12. Miniature mosaic copy of the tondo depicting bathing doves in Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli.
Unidentified manufacture, first half of 19th cent.
13. Enamel portrait of Lorenzo Radi (originally placed above the samples of polychrome glass rods displayed here as n. 38), 1864.
Giovanni Albertini (?)
14. Mosaic disk with turquoise background and a dancing figure inspired by Antonio Canova’s Hebe.
Unidentified manufacture, first half of 19th cent.
15. Original design for a triumphal arch decorated with beads, mirrors and other glass components, erected in Murano to celebrate the entrance of the Austrian emperor, Franz I and Marianna Pia of Savoy.
Giuseppe Zanetti, 1838
16. Beads
Unidentified manufacture.
probably first half of 19th cent.
Works in calcedony glass by Lorenzo Radi (1803-1874)
Donated by the artist and his son, Lorenzo Radi junior.
Murano, 1850-1860
17. Carafe (probably a test of colour combinations)
cl. VI n. 3184
18. Vase
cl. VI n. 3190
19. Three small bottles
cl. VI nn. 871, 872, 3178
20. Two drinking glasses
cl. VI nn. 3176, 3199
21. Octagonal paperweight
cl. VI n. 3198
22. Two drinking glasses
cl. VI nn. 3179, 3180
23/ 24/ 26. Large vase
cl. VI n. 1720, 3221, 3186
25. Cup
cl. VI n. 3168
27. Small plate
cl. VI n. 3171
28. Pitcher
cl. VI n. 3167
29. Vase
cl. VI n. 3189
30. Vase in the form of a cornucopia
cl. VI n. 3157
31. Vase with filigree silver mounting
cl. VI n. 3158
32/ 33/ 36. Carafe
cl. VI n. 3182, 3190, 3181
34. Glasses and two bottles
cl. VI nn. 1721, 3173, 3174
35. Small plate, vase and small carafe
cl. VI nn. 3167, 3204, 3163
Different works combining technical experimentation and historical/political themes
37. Two lumps of adventurine glass. The larger is by Pietro Bigaglia (exhibited at the 1869 Murano Exhibition), the smaller probably by Lorenzo Graziati, c.1850
38. Samples of glass rods in different enamels, for use in large-scale mosaics
Lorenzo Radi (1803-1874)
Donated in 1864
39. Box with polychrome plaques, and knife handles (one attributed to Pietro Bigaglia), all decorated with murrine,1843-1848.
Giovan Battista (1804-1873) and Jacopo Franchini (1827-1863)
Donated by the artists in 1865
40. Small vase created upon occasion of the Congresso degli Scienziati and dated 17 September 1847
Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876)
41. Box with samples of polychrome enamel glass rods used by the Franchini in creating miniature portraits; portrait of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1862
Giovan Battista Franchini (1804-1873)
Donated by the artist in 1865
42. Box with necklaces and a lume beads of gold leaf within crystal glass; Two beads with views of St. Mark’s, 1838
Giovan Battista Franchini (1804-1873)
Donated by the artist in 1865
43. Large drinking glass decorated with neoclassical motifs in monochrome
Unidentified manufacture, first quarter of 19th cent.
cl. VI n. 1680
44. Drinking glass with enamel decoration of scenes and scrolls relating to Venetian history after the fall of the Republic
Unidentified manufacture, post 1806
45. Bottle with enamel decoration depicting a painter
Probably Murano, unidentified manufacture, first quarter of 19th cent.
46. Crystal glass bottle with engraving of a patriotic scene and scroll bearing the inscription:
Viva Venezia ed i suoi prodi Militi 27 ottobre 1848 [Long live Venice and her Proud Soldiers,
27 October 1848]
Probably by the Cozzato brothers
cl. VI n. 3223
47. Small bottle in white enamel overlaid with ruby glass; goblet of ruby glass overlaid with white enamel; cup in white enamel glass with ‘ring’ base, 1815
Benedetto Barbaria (1784-1875)
Works by Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876), 1845-1848
Donated by the artist and Alessandro Zecchin
48. Part of a vase in polychrome granite glass
cl. VI n. 3126
49. Part of a vase in green granite glass
cl. VI n. 3128
50. Vase in polychrome granite glass
cl. VI n. 3127
51. Large vase in polychrome granite glass
cl. VI n. 3125
52. Vase in green granite glass
cl. VI n. 1690
53. Four small drinking glasses in polychrome granite glass
cl. VI nn. 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138
54. Three vases in granite glass of green, brick red and white sprayed with various colours
cl. VI nn. 3124, 3123, 1688
55. Large vase in red granite glass lined with blue
cl. VI n. 3131
56. Spherical vase in polychrome granite glass
cl. VI n. 3130
57. Two vases in pink granite glass
cl. VI nn. 3132, 1689
Works by Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876), 1845-1848
Donated by the artist and Alessandro Zecchin
58. Small vase and lid with segments of glass rods in polychrome filigree
cl. VI nn. 3208, 3092
59. Pommel in milled adventurine glass; paperweight with segments of glass rods in polychrome filigree
cl. VI nn. 3147, 3145
60. Two paperweights and a trial run of inlay with polychrome enamels and adventurine.
cl. VI nn. 3220, 3150, 3151
61. Couple of goblets in filigree of white and acquamarine threads
cl. VI nn. 3121, 3122
62. Pair of vases in white-thread filigree
cl. VI nn. 3105, 3106
63. Basket in weave filigree of red and adventurine
cl. VI n. 3064
64. A blackamoor candlestick dressed in garments of polychrome filigree
cl. VI n. 3142
65. Vase in white-thread filigree
cl. VI n. 3107
66. Coffeee pot in weave filigree of white and blue
cl. VI n. 3065
67. Small goblet in filigree of white and red threads; goblet in weave filigree
cl. VI nn. 3119, 3097
68. Candlestick in white spiral filigree with adventurine
cl. VI n. 1337
69. Pitcher in adventurine; cup in adventurine overlaid with blue glass
cl. VI nn. 3154, 3153
70. Vase in which polychrome glass rods alternate with spiral-motif rods
cl. VI n. 3079
71. Two drinking glasses in which polychrome glass rods alternate with spiral-motif rods
cl. VI nn. 1708, 3099
72. Two bottles with alternating polychrome glass rods
cl. VI nn. 3077, 1697
73. Two pitchers and a bottle of red featherwork on white enamel
cl. VI nn. 3081, 3084, 3076
74. Large vase in blue glass with sections of polychrome filigree rods and murrine
cl. VI n. 3149
75. Two bottles and a small vase in which polychrome glass rods alternate with spiral-motif rods.
cl. VI nn. 3074, 3005, 1711
Works by Pietro Bigaglia (1786-1876), 1845-1848
Donated by the artist and Alessandro Zecchin
76. Plaque with polychrome weave filigree
cl. VI n. 3055
77. Large windows glass with white, red and acquamarine weave filigree
cl. VI n. 3045
78. Small vase in red and crystal weave filigree
cl. VI n. 3062
79. Two vases and a bottle in white and yellow weave filigree
cl. VI nn. 3010, 3017, 3011
80. Bowl in white, green and red weave filigree
cl. VI n. 3004
81. Fruitstand in white, yellow and red weave filigree
cl. VI n. 1695
82. Large cup in acquamarine glass with weave filigree in white and adventurine
cl. VI n. 3012
83. Eight windows glasses in polychrome weave filigree,
cl. VI nn. 3032, 3023, 3031, 1702, 3035,
1709, 1701, 3046
84. Two bottles in white weave filigree
cl. VI nn. 3069, 3070
85. Two large drinking glasses in white and blue weave filigree
cl. VI nn. 3015, 3016
86. Two stoppered bottles. One in white and yellow weave filigree, the other in white and blue weave filigree
cl. VI nn. 1691, 1704
87. Two bottles in white, yellow and red weave filigree
cl. VI nn. 3013, 3018
88. Two vases with white weave filigree, one within turquiose glass, the other within yellow glass
cl. VI nn. 3009, 1696
89. Vase in blue weave filigree
cl. VI n. 3003
Works by Lorenzo Graziati, c.1850
Donated by the artist
90. Urn and lid, in filigree of turquiose, white and red glass rods
cl. VI n. 3087
91. Small tray in turquiose filigree
cl. VI n. 3022
92. Two cups and one saucer, in white thread filigree within turquoise
cl. VI nn. 3103, 3104
93. Two bottle stoppers (?) in white and green filigree
cl. VI nn. 3143, 3144
94. Bottle in pink, white and blue weave filigree
cl. VI n. 1710
95. Blue vase with white and blue weave filigree
cl. VI n. 1692
96. Tray in white and green filigree
cl. VI n. 3103
97. Amber glass vase with white weave filigree
cl. VI n. 3001
98. Goblet in white and turquiose filigree; drinking glass in acquamarine and white filigree
cl. VI nn. 3115, 3072
99. Vase in acquamarine and white filigree
cl. VI n. 3082
100. Drinking glass
cl. VI n. 3146
101. Bottle
cl. VI n. 1714