Museo del Vetro

Glass Museum



Luciano Gaspari (Venice, 1913 – 2007), a painter and designer who worked in the lively world of Venetian art from the 1930s, began to experiment with glass production at a crucial moment, just after the Second World War, when the best Murano factories were responding to changing times by seeking the new stimuli and inspiration offered by artists from different fields.
Gaspari began to work with the Salviati & C. glassworks in 1947. He embarked upon a fruitful collaboration with the master-glassblower Livio Seguso; this would lead to the creation of famous works, characterised by technical virtuosity and an extraordinary and original exploration of colour and form.
This exhibition, the first that a museum has ever devoted to Gaspari’s productions in the medium of glass, presents over seventy works, which date from the period between 1955 to 1995 and come mainly from three great collections: that of the Salviati & C. furnaces now owned by a private collector; that of Studio d’Arte Valmore of Vicenza, which includes various unique items directly commissioned from the artist; that of Livio Seguso, with works made by the master himself.
Curated by Elsa Dezuanni and Ennio Pouchard, the exhibition has been made possible by the support of FONDAMENTA . Catalogue by GMV Libri with articles by the curators, by Aldo Bova and Mara Castellaro.